Powtoon is a animation software and you can easily create animated videos/ presentations. It can be used for education, work or personal purposes. Also, you can use it for free or buy premium versions. There are a lot of options even if you use the free version such as adding voiceover, music, cartoon characters, text, animations and templates!

I think this is perfect for both teachers and students. Teachers can create eye-catching videos and blended learning environment. Also, the class content will be more memorable. Student's can develop lifelong skills like critical thinking, creativity, collaboration. Furthermore, they can help each other and learn through cooperative projects. For example, instead of simply teaching grammar with writing the structures, teacher can show a video (click here to watch) and students can learn visually, have fun.

So, there are a lot of advantages to use Powtoon! I will put the video that I created with this website (if you saw my Vodcast post, you might watch it already.
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