Kahoot! | Make learning fun

Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform and it can be used as educational technology in schools. You can create multiple-choice quizzes and make learning fun! Also, you can find other people's quizzes and use them if you don't have enough time to create on your own. It is very easy to use. When you open Kahoot! live to make quiz, questions are displayed on a big screen and players can answer on their devices with a PIN

This game-based learning platform can motivates students, help visual/audio learners, increase friendly competitiveness and socially connect them. Also, using technology in the classroom can encourage working in team, collaboration and create positive learning atmosphere.

We can also use this in English language teaching. For example; learning and revising new vocabularies, prepositional phrases, structures with true or false options, etc.
Last semester, I created a quiz for reading skills class and I will put the link down below!


Thank you for reading! =)
- Busra Nur Kut
