Voki | Talking Character

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Voki is an educational tool that allows users to create their very own talking character. It is a Web 2.0 tool and features educational resources, including teacher-submitted lesson plans. You can customize characters to resemble living people, animals, cartoons and add voices via microphone or telephone, or upload them in an audio file. Also, if you don't have any voice file, you can add voice from the website with just writing what you want to say as a character. 

 This website/app can be helpful to make learning environment much more fun, interesting and memorable. For example, you can give homework about creating Voki character and ask students to introduce themselves. This kind of homework can make your students more motivated because they like technology. As we all know, using technology in education is really important and beneficial for learning.

I created this talking character on Voki. I imagined that I had a lesson about culture and their traditional dresses. As you can see, this girl is wearing a traditional dress. I did a research about this dress ( it's called Hanbok if you are interested πŸ˜ƒ) and write down sentences. After, the character start to speak automatically. With the help of this, students can learn more efficiently, remember the details because it is both visual and auditory. If you want to watch my Voki character, click here! 

Links: https://www.voki.com/
Thank you for reading! =)
- Busra Nur Kut
