Storybird is a language arts tool and inspire young people to build confidence/creativity in their writing. This website/app curate original art from illustrators, and their library of 10,000+ images inspires young writers to create picture books, comics, longform chapter books, poetry, and flash fiction.

Storybird supports Google Classroom imports and makes it easy to add student accounts to integrate with your existing classroom tools. Also, with more than 400 courses and challenges, it has projects to fit every student’s needs. It is simple and how-to guides help teachers build unique curriculums. All courses and challenges are aligned with common teaching standards and come with worksheets and expanded resource lists. Also, students will be inspired by unique art from more than 1,000 global artists.

You can click here to read my picture book! ๐
Thank you for reading! =)
- Busra Nur Kut
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